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Founder, KorteX
3.5M followers top writer






"If you want practical strategies to maximize your own well-being, then create a profitable internet business around your passions, interests and curiosities – Goldfield is your guy."


Table of Contents

In this newsletter I’m going to explain to you how to realise ultimate wellbeing as your default mode.

No more scrolling Netflix, desperate to find something that’ll fill the empty void carved out of you by the stresses and struggles of life.

No more relying on alcohol to dull your self-doubt so you can have a conversation without worrying about saying something stupid.

No more tensions with friends, family or co-workers as you wish they could see your perspective and understand you.

Just unshakeable wellbeing in all your life’s circumstances.

Good news: this wellbeing is—and always has been—your true nature. You don’t have to do anything to cook it up. You don’t even have to train yourself to maintain it.

“Wellbeing”, for us, means clarity, peace and satisfaction that doesn’t depend upon anything.

This is what you’ve been trying to achieve with everything you’ve ever done—

đŸ”č Every subject you’ve studied
đŸ”č Every job you’ve worked
đŸ”č Every person you’ve befriended
đŸ”č Every partner you’ve romanced
đŸ”č Every hobby you’ve pursued

The essential reason you’ve engaged in all these things is to be satisfied.

But as long as your satisfaction—your wellbeing—depends upon something then you’re trapped.

When you depend upon something for your wellbeing then you must have that thing to be okay. Problem is, things come and go.

You can do better. So read on to discover the 3-step process I synthesized from personal development, Buddhism and neuropsychology.

But first, let me walk you through a life-changing flip of perspective

The Biggest Bait & Switch In History

My earliest memories are full of parents and schoolteachers telling me what to do.

They were very good at that, but awful at telling me why I should do what they commanded.

Sound familiar?

This was a source of endless frustration for me. I was the kid who would ask “why? Why? Why?” to the limit of people’s patience. Eventually they’d tell me to “just be quiet” or distract me with food or TV. Ten-out-of-ten guidance, folks 👌

(Spoiler alert: my sister ended up morbidly obese and I ended up addicted to video games.)

The sad truth is the grown-ups didn’t know the answers to my questions.

It would take me 25 years to find the answers I so desperately wanted.

Meanwhile, the grown-ups were doing all they could to train me into their way of doing things. This depended upon a deep-rooted belief that’s at the core of Judeo-Christian culture: the belief that we’re born unworthy and must whip ourselves into shape to become worthy.

Worthy of what? Well, if you ask in church they’ll tell you “worthy of heaven”.

Now, you may think to yourself, “that’s okay, my parents weren’t religious”.

I wish I could tell you this belief was held only by religious folks. But religion and culture were pretty much the same thing until 60 years ago—and we’re still suffering the hangover.

So even those of us with non-religious parents were trained to believe we had to “prove our worth”. Only instead of heaven, we were told to prove we were worthy of—

đŸ”č Affection
đŸ”č Good grades
đŸ”č A good college
đŸ”č A good job
đŸ”č Good money
đŸ”č A good home
đŸ”č A good romantic partner
đŸ”č A good retirement
đŸ”č Happiness

We were told that if we didn’t prove our worth then we’d fall off the bottom rung of society’s ladder. Note: this isn’t the same as becoming a criminal. This belief says that if you do nothing you’ll be unworthy by default.

Of course, no-one says it like that because they’ve never articulated it to themselves. This is an unconscious cultural bias, and the presence of this bias is one of the things that bothered me greatly as a child—even though I didn’t yet understand it.

Cut to 25 years later: I’m exploring spirituality for stress relief. I’m hearing countless gurus say that it leads to freedom, peace, happiness, etc. You’ve probably heard these promises.

It sounds too good to be true but I keep exploring. I experiment with guided meditations; I read; I listen to endless dharma talks. But something’s still not quite right. It would take further years for me to put a finger on this, but eventually I realised something—

These spiritual teachings promise freedom but are really still about whipping yourself into shape.

They say things like:

đŸ”č “Train yourself to access states of deep concentration.”
đŸ”č “Practice with great effort to realise enlightenment [in the future].”
đŸ”č “Cultivate wholesome qualities (i.e. compassion).”
đŸ”č “Follow our process of gradual spiritual attainment.”
đŸ”č “Go on intensive meditation retreats of increasing length.”
đŸ”č “Abandon your family and ordain as a monk.”

Oh look, it’s that unconscious bias again: you’re not good enough as you are.

This directly contradicts the core ingredients of any genuine wisdom teaching. Ingredients like—

đŸ”č States come and go and therefore can’t be relied upon
đŸ”č The future is a figment of your imagination
đŸ”č Wholesomeness is your natural condition, not something that can be contrived
đŸ”č There’s no permanent “self” who can “attain” anything—spiritual or otherwise
đŸ”č Meditation doesn’t earn you magic enlightenment points
đŸ”č You don’t need your circumstances to be any particular way

Here’s the clincher: as long as you’re trying to change yourself you’re like a dog chasing its tail. And it doesn’t matter whether the changes you’re trying to make are worldly changes (like trying to be more employable), or “spiritual” changes (like trying to be more calm).

Buddhism 101: there’s no such thing as a personal identity. Your identity is just a bunch of thoughts. And as long as you try to change those thoughts you’re missing the real wisdom that’s hidden in plain sight.

This is the biggest bait and switch in history—

  1. The world demands you whip yourself into shape
  2. Spiritual teachings promise freedom
  3. Spiritual teachings demand you whip yourself into shape

But wait, I have good news for you

The Treasure Is Hidden In Plain Sight

There are three wisdom teachings I’m aware of that cut (most of) the crap and get right to the point: real freedom, to be realized right now.

They’re all ancient and so have their cultural baggage, but it’s easy enough to strip that away.

These three teachings are—

đŸ”č Advaita Vedanta (a teaching within Hinduism)
đŸ”č Zen
đŸ”č Dzogchen (the pinnacle teaching from Tibet)

The common theme of these teachings is nonduality.

“Nonduality” means “without boundaries”.

To live without boundaries is to be free of dissatisfaction.

Good news: the drawing of any boundary is a mental process that you can simply not do. But this won’t seem simple, and there are two reasons why—

  1. Survival
  2. Conditioning

We Don't Live In The Jungle Anymore—Let's Stop Acting Like We Do

For our distant ancestors, calling out an invader from a rival tribe was a matter of life or death. Their vigilance became so ingrained that it survives in us today.

In 2023 we’re long past throwing spears at each other. Yet still there’s this lingering fear. We now call it social anxiety.

But fear—anxiety—can only survive as long as you draw boundaries in your mind, and you can learn how to stop doing that.

This is what mindfulness is really about—seeing things as they are without imaginary boundaries, labels, judgements, interpretations. And once you glimpse the freedom this brings for yourself, you’ll be convinced it’s worthwhile.

This, of course, is not an additive process, but a subtractive one. In other words, you’re not learning to do good stuff. Rather, you’re learning to stop doing bad stuff. This brings us back to that bait and switch I was talking about earlier.

Society was built on the assumption that we’re all born in a position of lack, and must add to ourselves to be okay—

đŸ”č Add knowledge
đŸ”č Add achievements
đŸ”č Add status
đŸ”č Add material wealth

Wisdom teachers showed up throughout history to disrupt that model. They said, instead, that we must only subtract from ourselves to be okay—

đŸ”č Subtract assumptions
đŸ”č Subtract striving
đŸ”č Subtract ego
đŸ”č Subtract desire

But then those wise teachers died, and followers couldn’t help but revert to their base instincts. So we were right back to adding to ourselves again—

đŸ”č Add rules
đŸ”č Add wholesome qualities
đŸ”č Add spiritual attainment
đŸ”č Add hierarchical organisation

This is how religions were born.

The Most Important Choice You'll Ever Make

There are two hypotheses on which you can continue your investigation—

a. You’re corrupted by default and must become pure

b. You’re pure by default but were corrupted by conditioning

Like everyone else, I spent a lot of time with option a. It was irresistible. Like so much of what holds us back from the life of wellbeing we all deserve, it was an unconscious assumption. But it didn’t lead to freedom.

So I continued to look at the depression and anxiety in the world; the selfishness and desire that comes from following the common narrative. I looked at those things within myself, and finally decided to give option b a try.

It was counter-intuitive. It was difficult to let go of the comfort that comes from continuing with a long-held unconscious belief. But as I reminded myself of my new hypothesis—and tested it in my direct experience—I started to glimpse the freedom I’d been seeking for years.

Previously, I’d prepare for a difficult conversation by doing a meditation. And I’d repeat mantra during the conversation. These practices were wholesome but—in the end—unnecessary. They might have been necessary if my natural state were rotten and I needed to whip myself into shape, but I didn’t.

No—my natural state is clear, stable, compassionate and wise. Excellent qualities to bring to any conversation! And as I tested the truth of this with the technique I’ll share below, I confirmed it more and more.

Previously I ran a long, detailed to-do list for my business. I wrote down every task I had to tackle in fear that I might forget it. And I wrote detailed notes and set notifications to terrorize future Dan in case he was neglecting the list. This might have been necessary if my natural state were lazy and ineffective, but it’s not.

No—my natural state is mutually beneficial. I want to do things that benefit people, and when I do things that benefit people they throw money at me. Good business!

Now I’m no longer running the business I was trying to run with that old to-do list—which really was just a place to write down things that conflicted with my core values.

The business I run now is aligned with those core values and, therefore, I don’t need a to-do list! I want to do tasks that are aligned with my core values. I wake up at 4am most mornings full of inspiration to get to work.

See how this is incompatible with option “a” above? As long as you’re trying to whip yourself into shape you’re missing out on a life of natural ease, clarity and abundance.

I’ll admit though, I needed guidance to get from “a” to “b”. I extracted value from every teaching and teacher I could get access to.

My core understanding of how to live this life of uninterrupted natural wellbeing was synthesized from deep dives into four disciplines—

đŸ”č Theravada Buddhism
đŸ”č Modern personal development
đŸ”č Dzogchen
đŸ”č Neuropsychology

This has been the focus of my life since 2016. What I’ve ended up with is a teaching that withstands the scrutiny of all four of those approaches, and it’s this teaching I’m pleased to share with you below.

If you're ready to dive deeper, ​click here to talk about how I can help you.

How to Live a Life of Natural Wellbeing And Mutual Benefit

Step 1: Get So Quiet You Can Hear Your Heartbeat (Literally And Figuratively)

There’s a reason meditation is popular in wisdom traditions, but its usefulness is exaggerated. Hundreds of differing sets of complicated instructions can be found, and they each claim to be the one and only path to enlightenment.

The impression most people get from these instructions is that they must sit cross-legged like a good boy or girl and rack up thousands of hours worth of “enlightenment points” to exchange for a reward in the future.

This is little better than believing in the tooth fairy. It doesn’t work. I know—I did it.

No—what meditation is really about is simply getting quiet.

As long as you’re busy running the old mental scripts you were trained into, you’ll be unable to see things as they really are.

Over years experimenting with every meditation technique I could find, I whittled my practice down to the essential aspects found in all of them—

  1. Get comfortable in a distraction-free environment
  2. Relax (accept things as they are), let go (stop wishing things were different), shut the fuck up (stop describing, judging and interpreting things)
  3. When you notice distraction, tension, clinging, describing, judging, interpreting, acknowledge this noticing as successful practice
  4. Repeat steps 2 & 3

There’s no set time for which to do this. Instead of thinking about duration, find a way to enjoy the practice.

When you enjoy this practice, you'll want to do it.

When you want to do it, you'll do it often.

When you do it often, you'll find tonnes of evidence that wellbeing is your default mode.

It may seem difficult at first, but that’s only because it’s opposite to the way you were trained to think.

Once you can enjoy this practice without thinking about how long it is, you’ll no longer be terrorized by intrusive thinking. Not because you deliberately did anything to transform or suppress your thinking, but because you relaxed.

As you relax, the ways you were trained to terrorize yourself with the mind will lose their charge. As they lose their charge, they’ll show up less and less. Once you’ve discovered a little space, you’re ready to move on

Step 2: Get Crystal Clear to Unlock Peak Effectiveness

When thoughts are coming at you a million miles-per-hour it’s difficult to investigate them. But now that you have some space you can start to contemplate questions like—

đŸ”č Where did this thought come from?
đŸ”č Where does it go?
đŸ”č Does it have any real power to make me do anything?
đŸ”č Do I have to think it again?
đŸ”č If not then why would I?
đŸ”č How many times in a day do I think this thought?
đŸ”č Is it the same each time, or does it change?

You can replace “thought” with “feeling” and run the same questions. You can take this list literally or just as a set of examples.

What you’re doing here is shifting your focus from the content of your thoughts and feelings to the mechanics of your thoughts and feelings. In other words, you’re “zooming out” and witnessing what’s going on in yourself (instead of being flung about by it all).

Resist the temptation to create intellectual answers to the questions posed above—that would just create more thinking.

Rather, follow the inquiries in your direct experience. Don’t insist on putting your answers into words. It’s okay if words come, but they’re not necessary.

Observe. Explore. Investigate. Experiment. Test. And allow your understanding to develop based on what’s really happening, rather than what you think about what’s happening.

For example, imagine you’re sat practising and a thought arises:

“I’m not sure the work I was doing earlier is good enough.”

Before mindfulness, you’d likely create further thoughts in reference to that one, spiralling downward into a chain reaction of doubt and self-loathing:

“I used to be so much better at my work

“What happened to all the talent I had in college?”

“What will my boss say about it?”

“Fuck—what was that other tweak she asked me to make?”

“Why am I so forgetful?”

“I’ve gotta stop drinking in the week

But now you have an alternative. Let’s rewind back to that first thought:

“I’m not sure the work I was doing earlier is good enough.”

Now, instead of continuing an inner monologue, you’re going to “zoom out” and examine the mechanics of the thought instead of getting seduced by its content.

“Where did that thought come from?

“I can’t really say, it appeared to come from nowhere

“Why did I think it?”

“I’m insecure about my work.”

“Is that insecurity going to help me with the task?”


“Shall I disregard the thought?”

“Seems helpful

Play this out across your entire life and you’ll witness an insane boost to your effectiveness. But what’s much more valuable is that this kind of inquiry into the nature of thoughts leads to insight into their lack of power over you. And this insight leads to the acceptance of—and ease with—all thoughts and feelings.

But we’re not done yet

Step 3: Bring Your Newfound Peace And Clarity Into The Real World (Where It Matters Most)

An old Taoist master lived on a mountain, where he spent most of his time in meditation. Visitors came from all over China to sit in his calming presence.

One day the master’s disciples insisted he follow them down the mountain. The political climate was tense, and they feared the master would be killed if he stayed at the monastery.

The master lit one last stick of incense at the shrine, then joined his disciples at the gate. He trekked down the mountain in perfect silence.

Eventually the group arrived at the nearby market town. In the hustle and bustle, a young boy bumped into the master as he ran past.


The disciples were shocked. In the decades they’d spent at the monastery, they’d never seen their master behave this way.


“It’s easy enough to float,” said Ram Dass, “but can you walk without touching the ground?”

In other words, what good is peace and happiness if it’s dependent upon certain conditions?

When asked how to know if someone is truly enlightened, Ziji Rinpoche said it’s very simple: “someone who’s enlightened,” she said “is of benefit.”

I’m not interested in telling you how to be at peace in a monastery—the world needs you in the marketplace.

So this 3rd step is about taking the quietude you realised in step 1, plus the clarity you realised in step 2, and bringing these into all the situations of your life.

Consider a typical breath meditation. In that practice you maintain awareness of your breath, noticing its changes and what you think about it—whether you’re comfortable or uncomfortable with it; whether you wish it were different

Step 3 is about maintaining awareness of everything as if it were your meditation object. (And yes—it may require more sitting practice to become ready for this. But now you have the proper context for doing such practice.)

Of course, some things appear more difficult to accept than others—an angry boss, for example, seems to demand a fear response. But, actually, that boss would be better served by your remaining calm—even if you fucked up massively.

“I’m going to put this right,” you might say, instead of surrendering to fear and trying to avoid your boss in the workplace.

I recommend a gradual approach here. If step 1 and step 2 are going well, try performing those while out walking in a secluded spot. Then try a walk in public. Then try a conversation with a loved one, a friend, an acquaintance, a co-worker.

I’m not suggesting this should go anywhere near as quickly as we’ve moved through it all here—though the potential does exist for these realisations to occur instantaneously. The only thing in your way is the degree to which you resist the relaxation that’s the key to everything I’ve written here.

I remember the first times I tried to bring the peace and clarity I was experiencing in sitting practice through to my daily life. It was tough: I struggled to keep my cool in the face of stress and chaos. But as I kept at it, I began to notice a profound shift in how I experienced the world around me. Slowly but surely, things lost their power over me.

For example—

đŸ”č I stopped caring about being “right”, and instead found I could walk away from emotionally draining arguments
đŸ”č I stopped trying to micromanage everything in my life, and started trusting “future Dan” to handle whatever challenges came up
đŸ”č I stopped feeling desperate for affection like I had my entire life, which improved my dating game by 1000x (it wasn’t long after that I met my wife, who’s by far the best match I’ve ever found)

Now I’m here to help you experience that same transformation.

Enlightenment: The Ultimate Struggle?

I know this all may sound too good to be true. You’ve had to struggle for everything you’ve ever achieved in life, so surely enlightenment must be really difficult?

No. My hope for you reading this newsletter is that you’ve been able to grasp the solidity of the argument for that “option b” above—the subtractive model for realising ultimate wellbeing.

Should you need more convincing, this is all confirmed by rudimentary neuroscience. Dissatisfaction, distraction, complaint, anxiety are all mental processes which are either running or not running. In other words, they’re additive; they take place “on top” of your natural, restful state. These processes only seem to be natural because you were so thoroughly trained into them that they became part of your identity.

Of course, that training was carried out over decades by a large team of family members and schoolteachers who wielded great influence over you. It’s amazing that we can undo the damage with the 3 steps above.

I’ve seen this 3-step process save lives, get a woman off a 14-year course of antidepressants, give a man courage to leave an abusive relationship and much more.

I recommend trying the 3 steps above to see how you get on with them alone. But you may feel, as I did, that you need guidance.

I’ve got your back.

Click here to tell me where you're at and hear back from me within 24 hours.

Win/win FTW,
dg 💙

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How to Earn More Money By Relaxing

(Why Hustling Is No Longer Optimal)

The most harmful belief in work culture is that simple effort is the magic spell for earning more money. This is harmful not only because it builds up heart attack levels of stress
 but because it doesn’t f„cking work—not in the 21st century. Here's the better way to boost your income (without busting your balls)...

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3 Lessons on Happiness From a Senior Monk

(And How They Saved Me From Depression)

i spent the whole of my 20’s in chronic pain. and the solutions i was trying were digging me into a pit of depression. 29,366 hours of mindfulness later, things are pretty f„cking different. Here are the 3 best lessons I learned on happiness from my ~300 hours in one-to-one conversation with a senior monk.

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How to Release Trauma In Meditation

(Heal Your Inner Child)

I grew up terrified of sex. But millennial British culture told me i had to get as much of it as I could (and more). So for 15 years I tried everything to get laid—for all the wrong reasons. Much later, in deep meditation, I had an encounter with my inner child that put everything right. 2 weeks later, I met the woman who would become my wife. Here's what I did to make myself ready for her.

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How to 48X Your Meditation in 4 Weeks

(Without Going On Retreat)

The average meditator aims for 15 mindful minutes per day. So what about the other 945? If you really want true happiness, you're going to have to learn to be present in EVERY moment. Good news: this isn't as hard as it sounds. Let me explain...

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10 Mindfulness Success Stories

(For The Doubters & Procrastinators)

If mindfulness feels like a chore you're doing it wrong. You need proper motivation. And nothing is better motivation than a good success story. So here's 10...

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Here's Why You Need "Spiritual Practice"

(It's Simpler Than You Think)

I have a student who feels free and easy for a while but then falls back into a familiar mental trap. If this sounds like you, we need to make sure you're clear on what spiritual practice is, what it can do for you, and how to proceed with it (so you're not just going round in circles).

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1 Step to Instant Enlightenment

(The Direct Path to Effortless Wellbeing)

You don't have to meditate for years. You don't have to develop wholesome qualities. You don't have to contemplate the nature of reality. All you have to do is recognize what's already true. Here's how...

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Do This When You're Stuck In Life Or Business

(7 Steps to Finding Your Perfect Mentor)

Without the guidance i’ve received throughout my life i’d be a drunk, broke, fat, lazy mess. Intelligent co-operation is the unique edge of our species, and nowhere is this more obvious than in our ability to learn from one another. if you’ve never had a mentor, you're WAY behind where you could be in life. But it’s not too late. Here's how to get the guidance you need, step-by-step...

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How to Perform Like The Top .1%

(Without Beating Yourself Up)

Millions of people squeeze a 20-minute meditation into their morning routine, then hope it’ll sustain their performance throughout the day. They may as well believe in magic. Here's how to GUARANTEE consistent peak performance (without hustling yourself into burnout).

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3 Steps to Realize Ultimate Wellbeing

(The Simplest Way to Ditch Your Emotional Baggage)

Most people overcomplicate spiritual awakening. But in the 21st century, we're finally able to cross-reference wisdom from different cultures, ditch the baggage, apply modern science and get down to what really works. Follow these 3 steps to cut the cr^p and ditch your anxiety, depression and self-hatred for good.

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The Biggest Challenge In My Spiritual Journey

(Save a Year by Skipping This)

If you've ever been confused about which spiritual practice to commit to, you're not alone. I spent a whole f„cking YEAR looping on this. But the solution was right under my nose the whole time. Let me give it to you right now (and save you a lot of headaches)...

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How to Make Friends & Enjoy Win/Win Arrangements

(Without Even Trying)

Everything great that humans have achieved has been achieved by teamwork. Unfortunately, many people struggle to unlock their true friend-making potential because of insecurity, doubt and anxiety. Here's a simple 3-step process you can use to delete your fears and start getting all the benefits of collaboration.

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How to Stop Wasting Your Time In Meditation

(7 Insights to Save You 1000 Hours of Practice)

Over 8 years, I spent 29,366 hours experimenting with every mindfulness technique available. I checked my results with a senior monk and a neuropsychologist. Want to know a secret? Meditation isn’t necessary. Contemplate these 7 insights. If you understand them, you can save yourself a lot of time.

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How to Avoid The #1 Cause of Stress

(3 Steps to Avoid Early Death)

A 2012 study by NHS Scotland found that "psychological distress is associated with increased risk of mortality from several major causes." It's proven: stress is literally a matter of life or death. Here's how to get out of the trap (and stay out).

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How to Get What You Want In Life

(3 Steps to Stop Feeling Lost)

Unless you know what you want, it’s impossible to get it. Sounds obvious, but you’d be amazed how many of my 1,000+ one-to-one students have been confused on this subject. Here's how to find your north star and get on the road to a life of wealth, freedom, love and inspiration.

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How To Attract Your Perfect Life-Partner

(Avoid the #1 Killer of Attraction)

A strong romantic partnership is the ultimate team. Sadly, most people never even meet their perfect partner—let alone attract them and make them happy for a lifetime. Here's how to make sure you don't miss out on the most significant relationship you'll ever have.

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How to Maintain Healthy Social Boundaries

(The Power of Saying No)

The main reason you struggle to say "no" is fear of what will happen if you do. But have you ever seen things going badly for someone who has their boundaries dialled in? Me neither. Here's how to value your time properly and take it back (before you run out of it altogether)...

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