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Founder, KorteX
3.5M followers top writer






"If you want practical strategies to maximize your own well-being, then create a profitable internet business around your passions, interests and curiosities – Goldfield is your guy."


Table of Contents

Everyone thinks you need 100,000 followers to make money online.


There are people with over a million followers making no money. And there are people with 3000 followers doing $10K months (I achieved the latter myself).

ÂŁ8661 GBP = $10,951 USD

If this still sounds too good to be true, read on—because I’m going to tell you exactly how to help people with real problems you care about deeply.

A whole lot of people think the only way to earn money on social media is through ad revenue. But this is just one way of many (we’ll get into them later). If ad revenue were the only way to earn money on social media then people would be right: you would need a big audience to make a living.

Another option people are familiar with is merchandise

They bought their favourite vlogger’s branded beanie and thought to themselves “it’d be so cool to do this myself!” Then they remember they’d need to make 100 videos before anyone would even consider buying their sh!t. THEN they remember they have no idea what to talk about. And then they go back to their boring 9-5.

What they’re neglecting is that the vlogger didn’t know how to make videos at one point either—and had the same struggles regarding what to say.

Regardless, it’s true that you’d need roughly 1 million subscribers to make just a living wage from YouTube ad revenue.

Unless you’re planning to take the British throne by force or do something else that gets massive media attention, 1 million subscribers isn’t happening for you anytime soon. So you’d be forgiven for thinking it’s as good as impossible to make money through social media, it’s all a scam and you’re better off sticking with your desk job. But you’d be wrong.

Social Media is Just Another Marketplace

This is the first ever social media website. It was launched in 1997. All you could do on it was create a profile, list your friends and surf people’s friend lists.

No posts.

No DMs.

No links.

And it would be a whole freaking decade until the first iPhone launched, which meant sixdegrees was desktop only for the entire time it was relevant.

Later came Facebook and all the other apps we know and love (and hate) today.

Slowly, people realized the huge opportunity to sell (and scam) people through social media. Lack of familiarity with the medium meant customers found it difficult to tell honest entrepreneurs from con artists.

But in time, people learned and the market reached “sophistication”—meaning people now know a scam when they see one. So entrepreneurs have only one choice these days if they want to sell: they have to serve first and get paid later.

But why is this good news for you?

Selling on social media in 2024 is no different to selling onions at the farmer’s market.

If your onions are battered it doesn’t matter how persuasive you are—no-one’s gonna buy them.

If your onions are plump and shiny a fair number of people will buy them.

If your onions are plump and shiny and you’re good at painting images in people’s minds of the delicious dishes they can make with them
 now you’re really in business.

This is what I teach people to do.

Only instead of onions, they’re selling courses on:

  • Yoga
  • Mindfulness
  • Branding
  • Psychology
  • Sleep hygiene

And anything else that solves a problem they once had in their own lives.

But more importantly, they’re also selling coaching.

The Zero-Follower Money Method

A t-shirt, in business, is called a “low ticket” item. This just means it’s always going to sell for a low price, which means you have to sell a lot of units to stay in business.

(Forget about luxury brands like Gucci—they’re irrelevant here.)

To sell a lot of units, you need a lot of customers.

To get a lot of customers, you need a lot of followers.

Now, if you’re sharp today you’re already thinking, “if there’s a “low ticket” item, there must be a “high ticket” item, right?”


And I have good news for you: that high-ticket item is something you have in abundance—your time.

No matter where you’re at in your business journey, people will always expect to pay more for your individual attention.

No-one will pay more than $30 for even a bestselling book, but they’ll often pay $3000 for an hour of the author’s time. This is because a book is one-to-many: it deals with problems most people have. But you’re not most people. You’re you.

You’ve probably paid for a one-to-one service from someone in the past. Maybe an osteopath, for example. And maybe you thought they were expensive at $200. But you paid that fee for one reason and one reason only: you wanted your problem solved, and osteopaths are rare.

If osteopaths were as common as Uber drivers they’d have to charge less. But they’ve been through a lot of education to acquire specialized knowledge and so they’ve put themselves in an advantageous position.

You can do this too.

You’re already educated to solve difficult problems in people’s lives—problems they’ll pay you to coach them through.

And because this is a problem you experienced, you probably care about it. It’d feel good to help other people get through it, no?

This is the future of work. Purpose-driven, fulfilling, and well-paid.

Here’s how to get started, in baby steps:

  1. Go to a quiet spot
  2. Open a fresh note or journal entry
  3. Write “what problems have I solved?”
  4. Write down every answer you can think of
  5. Write “what do I really care about?”
  6. Write every answer you can think of
  7. Write “what am I expert at?”
  8. Write every answer you can think of
  9. Write “what do the people of the world need help with?”
  10. Write every answer you can think of
  11. Underline your favourite answers
  12. Circle answers that connect with one another (for example, you might be lean, really care about longevity and know that people need help being consistent with exercise)
  13. You should see a clear winning topic at this point. (If you don’t, go back to step 3 tomorrow and continue to brainstorm over a few days or even weeks.)
  14. Now write your topic at the top of a fresh page and start brainstorming all the sub-topics that fall beneath it. For example:
    • Low-fat foods
    • Types of cardiovascular exercise
    • Gym etiquette
    • How to beat procrastination
    • Sports clothing
    • Supplements
    • Diet
  15. Now, sign up for (or repurpose) an account on ​​ and make it look sharp. (​Check out steps 13-23 here​ for guidance on this.)
  16. Follow some top creators in your niche.
  17. Download ​Tweet Hunter X.​
  18. Go to one of your favourite creator’s pages (don’t overthink this—just pick whoever you’re drawn to.)
  19. In the Tweet Hunter X sidebar, check out their top-performing posts.
  20. Copy/paste one you like into the post composer.
  21. Keep the format but replace the idea. (For example, you might find a list-style post with an attention-grabbing headline at the top, 5 list items in the middle, and a closing statement at the bottom. This is a timeless classic—you’re not stealing if you only steal the format. So just make the list about something else and voilà: your first X post.)
  22. Repeat steps 18-21 three times daily and develop some skill in writing these short form posts. (Don’t worry that no-one’s seeing your posts—this is absolutely normal.)
  23. On your “For You” feed, start commenting relevant personal experiences of yours under these creators’ posts. (This will gain you some followers.)
  24. Also look through the comments for anyone else that catches your eye. (This is how you’ll start to network with other newer creators.)
  25. Start conversations with people, make friends in the DM’s and make arrangements to share each other's content.
  26. Make this a part of your life daily and enjoy the process for 2 months.
  27. By now you’ll have seen people writing threads—series of posts that allow them more room to express something or educate people. It’s time for you to try your hand at the latter.
  28. Use Tweet Hunter X to find a thread format you like and do what you’ve been doing with your other posts. The idea you’re going to plug into this format is “how I went from x to y”—the story of how you solved your main problem in life (which is what you intend to coach people on).
  29. Publish your thread and ask all your friends to share it.
  30. If you’re lucky—and if they’re lucky—someone who needs your help will comment on your thread. (It’ll be obvious when someone who’s experiencing the problem comments.)
  31. Copy the URL of their comment.
  32. Paste it in a DM to them and continue the conversation naturally.
  33. If they really do need help, tell them you solved the problem for yourself, you have a system that worked for you and you’re looking to see if it can help other people too. Offer to chat with them on a call to tell them a bit about how the process would go.
  34. On the call, explore their issue further in the spirit of exploration. They’re not expecting you to be a miracle worker and neither should you be.
  35. Tell them if your solution works for them all you ask in return is that they record a video testimonial for you.
  36. Coach them through the solution, be prepared to make adjustments, and—assuming it works—get your first video testimonial.
  37. Repeat steps 28 to 36 until you have 5 video testimonials.
  38. Sign up for a free account at ​​
  39. Slap together a basic landing page talking about the problem you solve and your unique solution. Feature your testimonials. You should have an idea by now of the most effective way to solve the problem from the 5 times you’ve been through the process. That’s precisely what your coaching package should reflect—the number of calls to get the result, plus any extras like text support, written materials etc.
  40. Sign up for a free account at ​​
  41. Create a simple product for your coaching package.
  42. Ask ​ChatGPT​ what people usually pay for a package like yours relative to the problem you solve and roll with that.
  43. Link your stripe payment link to your carrd landing page.
  44. Now as you find more people who need help on X, have conversations with them in the DM’s like you’ve been doing. The only thing that’ll change is that you’re charging a fee now. Be prepared for people to say no. That’s okay. You don’t need—or even want—everyone to be your client.
  45. Keep repeating, keep improving, and keep earning.

This is the quick & dirty. There’s way more detail at every step. But if you’re resourceful you can make it work from this guide alone.

If you want some help, I have one space open for coaching myself right now. Reply “MONEY” to hear how it works.

With love from my desk,
dg <3


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How to Make Dream Clients Come to You

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How to Make a Living on Social Media

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1 Step to Instant Enlightenment

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3 Steps to Realize Ultimate Wellbeing

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How to Maintain Healthy Social Boundaries

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