You already have $100,000 worth of knowledge in your head.
You just need to learn how to transmit it to people.
Then you can quit your unfulfilling “time-for-money” work and join me in the Freetirement gang:
- Where we get paid what we’re worth
- Where we only do things we care about
- Where we get results that change people’s lives
And there’s never been a better time to make this transition:
- You can start a business **for $0
- You can develop products and services for $0
- You can advertise for $0
Maybe you’ve tried to do this before and failed.
I failed too.
But then I succeeded.
What made the difference was getting proven guidance through proven processes. (Trial and error just doesn’t work in the online space, where there are infinite possibilities.)
Those processes—which I use to this day—are based on timeless principles of psychology and social dynamics.
When I integrated those processes with the deep spiritual work I’d been doing for 7 years prior, positive changes occurred in my life very quickly:
- I quit all my old work
- I 4X’d my hourly rate
- I started making strides toward my 50-year vision
This all occurred in just 5 months once I had the guidance I needed.
In this post I’m going to show you what it would be like to get that guidance, plus the spiritual teachings & practices I used to integrate it so quickly.
If you’ve read my other posts recently, you’ll know I’m talking about my upcoming cohort course, Freetirement Foundations.
If you’re super keen, you can get more info here or go right to checkout. (Enrollment closes in 7 days.)
Otherwise, read on to get a sneak preview of what awaits you if you join.
But first, let me tell you why a course like this is so appropriate in 2024…
How People Made Money “Evil”

People’s needs determine their behaviour:
- Starving people steal
- Homeless people squat
- Greedy people exploit
For thousands of years, our ancestors survived on barter of goods:
“I need grain; I have chickens.”
“I need chickens; I have grain.”
When those two people found each other, they negotiated then made an exchange they both felt was fair. If one of them didn’t think the exchange was fair, they either kept negotiating or said, “screw you, I’m going to find someone else who has grain.”
Of course, social dynamics were always in play. To say that every trade was perfectly fair would be a stretch.
But as civilization progressed through the changes brought by currency and industry, “value” became more and more abstract. And this opened up more and more opportunities for unfair exchanges:
- Workers were exploited
- Markets were manipulated
- Inequalities were widened
And all of this led to the modern myth that “money is evil”.
But as I’ve demonstrated before, money itself cannot be evil.
Here’s the thing: people have only clung to that belief for so long because there’s been no way to demonstrate otherwise at scale.
If you wanted to start a business around anything other than the most essential products and services (groceries, construction, plumbing), you had to fight for it. By the time you had premises and payroll to meet each month, you had to get customers through your door by any means necessary.
So you’d sink to the level every other business owner was operating on:
- Using desperate marketing and sales tactics
- Giving as little value as you could get away with
- Charging as much money you could get away with
This is, largely, how business has been done since the industrial revolution. It’s why cereal boxes are so much bigger than they need to be: tricking you into thinking you’re getting more than you really are.
Of course, if you looked at those dynamics and thought “I couldn’t be so dishonest,” you were in the majority.
And that left you with just one option:
So now instead of actively screwing people over, you’re passively enabling your employer to screw people over. (I know there are companies with good morals out there, but we all know they’re the exception, not the rule.¹)
The Problems With Employment (And “Done-For-You” Freelancing)
I used to think I was free because I was technically self-employed.
But my music students were paying me to sit in my studio with them for 30 or 60 minutes.
As I educated myself on business it became clear to me: that arrangement was very different to my students paying me to teach them how to play drums.
In the time-for-money arrangement I was running, I ended up giving thousands of hours of wasted lessons. Because students would routinely drop their end of the bargain: they wouldn’t practice at home. But because they paid me for lessons and not results I’d backed myself into a corner where I had to give them a lesson anyway—even if what they really needed was practice.
As that career progressed I found ways to maneuver that dynamic better. But if I’d not changed careers entirely I would’ve completely restructured that business.
As long as someone is giving you money in exchange for your time, you’re only one step up from slavery.
When someone buys your time, they have power—explicit or implicit—over what you do.
Your boss will give you tasks to complete.
Your clients will give you lists of “requests”.
Neither of them give a damn whether you find the work fulfilling or enjoyable—and nor should they: that’s not part of the deal. It’s up to you to protect your integrity, and for that you must make an entirely different deal. But of course no-one ever told you that.
The Problem With Going It Alone
Maybe you’ve seen entrepreneurs making a living doing only what they care about most.
Maybe you tried to start your own thing once before.
And maybe—if you’re like every entrepreneur ever—you fell flat on your face.
It’s well-known that failure is a part of doing your own thing.
But here’s the big question: how much failure?
Do you have to fail just once? Do you have to fail twice? Ten times? Twenty?
Here’s a scary truth:
If you go on trial and error in business you could be trying and failing for the rest of your life.
Because the options in business are infinite—but there are comparatively very few things that actually work.
If you had infinite time and resources this wouldn’t be a problem.
At the same time, consumers are more discerning than ever. Scammers had their day when the internet was young, and they forced everyone to get wise.
If you want your purpose-based business to succeed, there are 3 very specific things you must build: appeal, authority and authenticity…
Building those 3 things requires specific strategies and tactics.
Before I found those strategies and tactics, I was “shouting into the void” on my old X account.
Looking back, most of my posts read like journal entries. I gave no thought to how readers would’ve extracted value from them.
I fumbled around in the dark for months while others were building their purpose-based businesses the right way. They were making positive impact on the world and bringing in revenue while I was busy enjoying writing but making it valuable to almost no-one.
When I’d had enough of waiting for things to happen, I started looking around for people who were making things happen.
I finally found a mentor and got those specific strategies and tactics that make an online business work.
To my great advantage, I’d already mastered spiritual practice and personal development. And that’s how I was able to move faster than everyone else and freetire myself in just 5 months.
That mentor of mine hired me to teach other people how to do what I did. I’ve now coached over 1000 people on how to win in this game. And I’ve noticed that without spiritual practice and personal development you’re fΥcked. (I’ve written on why before.)
Over time, I experienced a growing desire to bring everything that worked for me into one course.
- Business strategies and tactics, alone, leave most people struggling with overwhelm and impostor syndrome
- Spiritual practice and personal development, alone, leave people highly satisfied and capable but unable to share what worked for them and earn their living doing so
You need both.
Introducing: Freetirement Frameworks

Freetirement Frameworks is a series of 4 cohort courses, running from Sunday, 22nd of September 2024 to Saturday, 10th of May 2025.
Each cohort lasts 4 weeks and contains:
- A live video Introduction to Effortless Wellbeing teaching
- Weekly live video coaching/Q&A calls
- Daily guided meditations
- 7-days-a-week text support
- Daily study material
By the end of the series, you’ll know everything you need to know to realize effortless wellbeing, quit your unfulfilling work, take control of your financial destiny and make your great contribution to humanity.
If you’re able to dedicate just 24 hours per week to this process, you’ll be able to build your actual purpose-based business in real-time as you follow the material—with personal guidance from me at every step.
But if you’re already a few steps ahead, don’t worry—I’ll take questions on anything to do with spirituality and one-person business throughout all 4 cohorts.
You don’t have to enroll in all four cohorts—you can mix and match depending on your needs…
But here’s what your journey will look like if you do feel inspired to join me for the whole series…
Cohort 1: Identity (22 Sep–19 Oct)
We’ll begin every cohort with the Introduction to Effortless Wellbeing. This is the most profound and direct spiritual teaching I have to give, and it is the foundation of everything we’ll do together.
You’ll then receive guided meditations every morning throughout the entire course, which will be tailored to where you’re at and where you need help.
Study materials will also be delivered in a daily rhythm to avoid overwhelm. But don’t worry if you can’t keep up—you can still study at your own pace.
The Identity cohort itself is about setting up the foundation of your personal brand (which is by far the most appropriate business model for a modern purpose-based business).
- Figure out who you are, what you want, and what you stand for at the deepest level
- Establish my Buddha Mode Protocol as the base of your spiritual and personal development practices
- Delete the mind viruses that block your ambition, focus and creativity
- Refine your 50-year purpose-based business plan (and using it to craft your perfect daily schedule)
- Clear your creative blocks and revive your natural curiosity
- Perfect your online profile to start attracting an engaged audience
- Learn the fundamentals of digital writing and establishing a regular publishing habit
- Jump-start your social media growth with proven tactics (to bring in followers without relying on the algorithm)
- Establish and leverage a support network (and set up win/win relationships with new growth-minded friends)
Cohort 2: Ideas (24 Nov–21 Dec)
The Ideas cohort is about learning to produce stand-out social media content. Here, you’ll begin to establish your appeal, authority and authenticity—the 3 things you need to attract an engaged audience that will eventually buy from you.
- Learn to write viral content
- Generating inspiration on demand
- Plant and grow your “topic tree” (so you never run out of ideas)
- Implement my own content creation system (that I used to generate the post you’re reading right now)
- Outline the full-length book you’ll publish 3 years from now
- Learn the psychology of attention-getting and ethical persuasion
- Start a newsletter that educates and gives you ownership of your audience
- Download my swipe file of the best viral content on X
- Go deeper into audience growth with advanced tools and tactics
Cohort 3: Income (9 Feb–8 Mar)
The Income cohort is about turning your audience into customers who want to pay you.
- Delete your limiting beliefs around money
- Monetize your social media account (even with less than 100 followers)
- Implement my service-based sales framework
- Learn the educational theory of effective coaching
- Set up my exact permission marketing funnel
- Price your offers fairly
- Learn my 3-week promotion schedule (of which this post is a part)
- Discover how I launched promoted and launched Freetirement Foundations
Cohort 4: Inventions (13 Apr–10 May)
The Inventions cohort is about how to create products and services people love, which you’ll plug into your Income systems to start generating revenue.
- Use the principle of mutual benefit to know what to sell
- Confirm that people actually want to invest in what you’re offering before you put 6 months of work into it
- Create a free lead magnet to offer value up-front and prove your stuff works
- Implement proven “neuromarketing” to demonstrate the value of your offerings
- Learn to design an effective course to transmit your knowledge to your customers
- Design your own landing page
- Use my gratitude testimonial framework to leverage your results for acquiring even more happy customers
Free Bonuses
You’ll also get:
1. The Freetirement Frameworks Notion dashboard: all course material packaged in one place for you to keep forever (with space for your practical work to go right alongside the learning materials).
2. The Buddha Mode OS Life Management System: never download a productivity template again. Buddha Mode OS is as much a principle as a system, beginning with your individual needs and designing a flexible digital dashboard that grows with you.
3. Lifetime access to the Freetirement Friends networking group: a telegram chat where you'll form friendships and business partnerships with like-minded creators (and get eyes on your content).
4. 3 custom website templates I built to generate over $100,000 (you're looking at one of these right now).
How to Get Started Right Now
If the above sounds like a lot, don’t worry—we're talking about your life's work here.
There's plenty of time to get it right, and plenty of people start earning money before they've perfected everything. (I certainly did.)
You’ll have access to the course material forever.
If you want to get started right away, I packed the basics into a free course for you.
And if you want to reserve your spot on the cohort, remember, enrollment closes Saturday 14th of September, and seats are limited. I want to have proper time and energy for giving personal guidance to all participants.
Here are the links again:
If you have questions about Freetirement Frameworks, email me at dan [at] dangoldfield [dot] com. I'll get back to you within 24 hours.
With love from my desk,
dg 💙
P.S. If you want to hear from students I've already helped on their Freetirement journey, click here.